Submit an article.
Join our staff.
We are a very open-minded publication with loose criteria regarding what makes a suitable article topic, but we will provide you with the following boundaries within which you are free to produce to your heart’s desire.
We have four primary umbrellas under which we expect most of our articles to fall: (1) multidisciplinary studies and their impact on healthcare, (2) global public health research, (3) community service while abroad, (4) cultural differences in other countries compared to the United States (think broadly and creatively: women in film, body image, food portions, the abundance of public parks, walk score, etc.). We have article title examples for each category below:
1) Multidisciplinary studies and their impact on pre-health studies: "Taking a Fashion and Power course in France changed my view on obesity."
2) Global public health research: "Can shopping carts in a German parking lot tell us anything about neighborhood health disparities?"
3) Community service while abroad: "Volunteering at a London hospital is different when patients walk out without paying a dime"
4) Cultural differences in other study sites compared to the United States: "People eat lunch for two hours in Paris─should we be doing the same?"
Think outside of the box. This is a core value of Cabin Fever: relate your topic to something it would typically not be related to, and show the reader how there are numerous different factors that can impact health and one’s quality of life
We are expecting interesting, relevant articles that contain two things: 1) an inspiring view on how to tackle the journey of becoming a healthcare professional, and 2) a persuasive and captivating voice that emphasizes the value of broadening one's worldview when aiming to pursue healthcare. Writers should be able to bring out the boldest form of their creativity and use it to integrate the many eccentricities of the global world with healthcare.
Prior to submission, you must ensure that your article is adequately formatted as per the guidelines below.
Title of article is at the very top of the document.
Text is written in Times New Roman (12 point font) and it is double spaced.
References are numbered at the bottom in alphabetical order and as per the OWL Purdue APA guidelines.
In-text citations are as following: at the end of a sentence or phrase that requires a citation, there should be a number inside a bracket [ ], and the number corresponds to a particular citation in your numbered references list.
Becoming a Cabin Fever Staff Writer entails consistently publishing work with us and being part of a team that lifts Cabin Fever Magazine in the sphere of indie journalism.
Criteria for application:
You must have written for us at least once. If you have not, please submit an article above first!
You must be able to commit to a biweekly publication schedule. Your articles will be due every other Sunday at 11:59 PM EST.
Is this a paid position? No, this is not paid. Cabin Fever Magazine is entirely nonprofit as of now. You may apply on Medium to earn money from your article views. That payment is not Cabin Fever Magazine’s responsibility, however.
What if I can’t meet my article submission deadline? Send us an email regarding your situation, and we should be able to give you an appropriate extension. We are flexible, but we will not appreciate this flexibility being taken for granted. Do your best to meet the Sunday deadlines!
What is the benefit of publishing with Cabin Fever Magazine? Publishing on Medium allows for your work to be publicly available, which helps you build a legitimate portfolio of your writing that can be used to submit to larger publications in the future. Additionally, we are a public health journalism organization, and your involvement with us will help solidify any future applications to public health and/or medical programs.